Commercial & Residential Pest Control in Dallas, TX and Surrounding Areas
Glossary of Pest Control Terms
- A -
Ants - Ants are not just pesky, but they are also one of the most invasive species. They contaminate food, destroy property, and injure themselves and others. It is always best to get rid of them before they spread to other places. Beware of fire ants, their sting is so painful that it can kill a person allergic to it.
Ant Control - Ant control can be done through exclusion and sanitation, as they are eliminated by denying them access and keeping areas where sweet foods may be stored sanitized. There is no such thing as a building that eliminates ants entirely, but you can reduce their population year-round more effectively by reducing the population and following up with prevention than by waiting to treat the infestation with a single solution.
Ant Extermination - Baits are irresistible and easy ways to exterminate ants. They are often laced with any poison that is mixed with many different types of sweet substances that ants find irresistible. A vast amount of these bait pellets are carried by worker ants to the nest to be distributed around the colony. Sometimes the queens get to feed on them, too. Ants can be easily exterminated with various ways of pest control. For example, some sprays and other forms of natural pest control substances are able to get rid of ants.
Application - The process of obtaining pest control through applying a product to deter animals.
Arachnids - A marbled creature with four pairs of legs and a body with two segments, belonging to a large class that includes spiders, scorpions, and mites.
- B -
Bait - A pest control product designed to keep pests out of food, often containing an active ingredient that will kill the pests. Some bait may not have an active ingredient in use for observing pest activity.
Bait stations - No other container can rival the popularity of bait stations. From a model that is simple and discrete to one that is large and elaborate, bait stations provide pest control professionals with their ammunition for an easy and safe way to keep bugs at bay. Bait stations can typically be found at ground level and should provide a place to monitor the amount of bait without disrupting the environment. The bait station can usually provide an easy way to gauge the levels of bait, and can sometimes provide a view through the clear panel, which could allow for a more personalized approach to monitor bait levels.
Bed Bugs - As pests that are surging, bed bugs are causing expensive loss and damage as well as inconvenience. They typically do not transmit disease which is certainly good news. The best way to prevent bed bugs is regular inspection for signs of an infestation especially in and around beds and bedding materials.
Bed Bugs Control - After a scourge of bedbugs, control requires a complex and rigorous program to expel them from their house.
Bug (common) - Crawling or flying insects, arthropods, spiders, etc found in homes are collectively called bugs.
Bug (technical) - Bug refers to any type of insect with piercing mouth-parts. Examples include bed bugs, shield bugs, etc.
Bug (technical) - Bug refers to any type of insect with piercing mouth-parts. Examples include bed bugs, shield bugs, etc.
- C -
Clean-Out - A pest treatment, with many insecticides, that removes all of the pests, which is generally done at the very beginning of an account's establishment, and is usually done by more than one pest control expert.
Concentrate - Some of the product may be diluted with water before being applied.
- D -
Device - Pests are a nuisance and any trap or tool used to capture or track movement of a pest is a necessity. This ranges from a glue board, snap trap, or even a light trap.
DIY - Do it yourself.
Dust - A fine grind that is difficult to see through, usually taking the form of a powder with a substance to be dispensed. This powder's main carrier can be talc or clay, while the active ingredient that creates the result can be used in pest control.
- E -
Exclusion - The process of sealing the holes of a building, or in some cases, removing the entrances for any unwanted animals.
Exterminator - A different name for a pest control professional. Pest control is a necessary thing to have done in a home and pest control professionals identify and eliminate pest problems in homes and other buildings.
- F -
Fleas - Even though they are mostly associated with dogs and cats, the biting fleas will attack human skin if it is accessible to them. They will cling to human flesh and lay eggs that will thrive on the human's blood. When the skin is severely bitten, it can become irritated and inflamed. Even the lightest touch can cause unbearable itching. Fleas can also transmit tapeworms and bacterial infections. A breeding ground that is sufficient to sustain life for the pests can be found in and around your home. Not only can the hungry adults find sustenance by feeding on your pet, but you may be surprised to find the pests breeding inside your home or in the yard as well. If you are not careful, a single flea infestation could quickly spiral out of control.
Fogging - An advanced in-space type treatment intended to kill insects or spiders on contact but does not penetrate walls and packaging, the device has been made to automatically repel and kill insects, bugs, and pests.
Fungi - A fungus is a fungal organism that can range from the micro-scale to the macro-scale. This term encompasses single-celled yeast to large mushrooms, depending on the classification.
Fungicide - Killing fungi with substances that inhibit their growth or reproduction is the most effective way to prevent spores from spreading.
- G -
Granules (or pellets) - The composition of dry, ready-to-use, low-concentrate pesticides plus an inert carrier. The particles are larger than those of a dust.
- H -
Herbicide - A pesticide that kills a large sampling of plants and other foliage.
- I -
Infestation - When rodents, insects, or other pests create a home within or around buildings or homes, they can be a threat to both the health and the property of the host.
Insect - Six-legged arthropods, which may be flying or crawling, tend to have six legs like cockroaches.
Insecticide - A pesticide that is effective against a wide range of insect species.
Insect Growth Regulators (IGR) - Insect-controlling compounds are substances that can be used to control or combat insects. There are many kinds of insect-controlling compounds available, and there are a variety of reasons for using them. Because insects can destroy crops, kill livestock, and make people sick, the use of such chemicals has become common practice in the agricultural community.
ILT - “Insect Light Trap” refers to the glue traps that are installed on the inside of a facility that attract the insects and entrap them. The sticky substance is smeared on a flat platform and the bugs try to cross over it, where they get stuck. Traps that attract or target a single species of insect are called specific attractant traps, while ones that attract a wide variety of species.
IPM - Integrated Pest Management describes a type of program that consists only of inspections and treatments when required. Preventive measures are prioritized over control.
IRT - The term "Interior Rodent Trap" refers to rodent traps used within the home.
Insects - They are three-part bodies (head, thorax, abdominal) with multiple pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes, and an antennae. Animals of this group represent more than half of all known living organisms, making them one of the most diverse groups on the planet.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) - It includes biological control, habitat modification, modifying cultural practices, and the use of resistant varieties as part of a comprehensive ecosystem-based strategy to prevent pest invasions. Monitoring and treatments are done to identify the need for pesticides as soon as possible, and once they are prescribed, treatments are made to eliminate only the organisms to be removed. Human health and the environment are minimized by the selection and application of pest control materials.
Invasive Pests - An infestation of pests brought into the country by outsiders (not native to the country).
- L -
Larva - Plural larvae. An animal undergoing metamorphosis from an immature stage (juvenile) to an adult form. Fly maggots, for example.
Least-Toxic Alternatives - The toxicity of pesticides is determined by their impact on humans, animals, and beneficial organisms. The least toxic alternative pesticide (or pesticides) are those that are not toxic to humans or non-target organisms. A non-chemical method(s) is used after it.
Licensee - Licenses are granted by the state's Agriculture Department; they serve as the responsible person under the law's terms and conditions.
Linear Footage - Termite or power spray treatments are calculated by measuring the exterior footage. You measure the linear footage by counting the straight number of feet to be treated.
- M -
Mating Disruption - In order to prevent insects from finding a mate, sex pheromone lures are strategically placed around the interior of the facility.
Mice - In households, food establishments, and other structures, the house mouse is highly adapted for living year-round. Mice are most likely to be seen by homeowners during winter, as they are seeking warmth, food, and shelter inside following their migration indoors during the fall. A mouse infestation inside a house can be extremely tough to control once it's established.
Monitors - Glue boards can be used to capture insects and rodents, and they are usually placed temporarily if you think there is a problem.
Monomorphic Pest Populations - In a monomorphic pest population, all individuals are very similar in appearance, behavior, and genetic makeup. This uniformity can make it easier to design and implement control measures because the same approach can be applied to all individuals.
Monomorphic Control Methods - This term might also be used to describe control strategies that are applied uniformly across a pest population, assuming that the pests are similar enough in their response to the control measures.
- O -
Organic - A chemical containing carbon atoms. In addition, "natural" products and foods are also included in this category.
- P -
Parasite - A living organism that inhabits or lives in another organism. An infection occurs when a parasite takes food and shelter from the host and then releases toxins or other substances that are harmful.
PCO - When referring to the actual service provider, we call them Pest Control Operators.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Work clothing that an employer must provide to protect workers from pesticide contact or pesticide residue. Devices used to reduce human contact with pesticides or pesticide residues. Chemical resistant clothing includes chemical resistant suits, gloves, aprons, headgear, and footwear.
Pest - Weakened or invasive organisms on our wheat and orchard fields, in forests and wildlands, or species that damage homes or other structures. Also included in pests are organisms that can cause health problems in humans or animals. It is possible for pests to transmit diseases or to be just an inconvenience. A pest can be an unwanted plant (weed), vertebrate (bird, rodent, or other mammal), invertebrate (insect, tick, mite, or snail), nematode, pathogen (bacteria, virus, or fungus) that can cause disease or damage water quality, animals, or other ecosystem components.
Pest Control - The prevention or eradication of pest problems.
Pesticides - Substances or mixtures intended for or intended to destroy plants, control growth, prevent or repel pests which may infest or damage vegetation, humans, animals, residences, buildings, or be present in any agricultural or non-agricultural environment.
Pheromone Trap - Pheromone traps or traps that use scents to lure insects. Glue boards are used for catching insects or for creating a ground-based trap.
Polymorphic Pest Populations - A polymorphic pest population is characterized by a high degree of variability among individuals. This can include differences in size, color, behavior, and genetic traits. Polymorphism can complicate pest control because different individuals might respond differently to the same control measures.
Polymorphic Control Methods - Control methods that take into account the variability in the pest population might be needed. This could involve using a range of techniques or targeting different aspects of the pests' biology to effectively manage a diverse population.
Power Spray - An exterior liquid treatment performed by a truck mounted Power Rig that delivers a large volume of chemical.
- R -
RBS - The Rodent Bait Boxes that are placed around the facility's exterior are called "Rodent Bait Stations.". In this type of trap, rodents eat outside and then die before gaining access to the interior. They are spaced 150 to 200 feet apart.
Risk Assessment - Risk management is the process of identifying the hazards and the risk factors that may pose a risk to a worker (hazard identification). Risk analysis and risk evaluation of that risk (risk analysis and risk evaluation).
Roaches - Home and apartment dwellers are often infested by cockroaches. Their presence poses particular problems in areas where foods are prepared and sanitation is not adequate. A cockroach's presence alone causes most people to be repulsed and embarrassed. As well as contaminating food and kitchen utensils, they leave an unpleasant smell behind.
Rodent - Mice and rats are the largest group of non-flying mammals, being kept as pets along with hamsters and guinea pigs. Rodentia include beavers, muskrats, porcupines, woodchucks, chipmunks, squirrels, prairie dogs, chinchillas, moles, voles, lemmings, and others.
Rodenticide - Mice and rats are controlled with this pesticide.
- S -
Scorpions - It is traditional to associate scorpions with aggressive, deadly creatures that inhabit desert regions around the globe. The habitats where members of this group can be found are wide-ranging. Several southeastern states are home to Vejovis carolinianus, the southern devil scorpion.
Spiders - In and around dwellings, there are many different types of spiders. Webs are often used by spiders to help catch prey, such as the cellar spider. There are also spiders that are free-roaming and don't make webs, such as the wolf spider. Because of their ability to prey on flies and other pests, most spiders are harmless. Many spiders lack the strength or size of their fangs to penetrate human skin. Biting is generally not a behavior of those capable of doing so unless harmed or threatened.
Spray Adjuvant - An agent which prevents a pesticide from adhering to the treatment surface, spreads the pesticide, builds a deposit, emulsifies the pesticide, deflocculates pesticide, or modifies water, with or without toxic property, for applications or efficacy with pesticides, sold separately from pesticides.
Square Feet - This is a measurement of length by width. Broadcast treatments, such as lawns and athletic fields, can be calculated using this method.
- T -
Target Pest - It is important to identify what kind of Pest you are treating.
Termites - Termites with wings indoors almost always indicate an infestation that deserves treatment. Swarmers often congregate around windows and doors because they are attracted to light. The swarming of winged termites during the same time of year often confuses people with ants. The antennae of termites are straight, their waists are uniformly thick, and their wings are of equal size. Ants, by contrast, have long forewings and constrictive waists, and their antennae are elbowed.
Threshold Level - Prior to implementing additional pest control measures, the maximum pest population that can be tolerated is determined.

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I’ve been a customer of All Pest Solutions for over 5 years and I will be forever!Kat L.
This company is absolutely above the rest!Edmonds K.
Highly recommend this business! Great service,from when their company representative answered the phone all the way to coming to the house!Jana D.
We offer custom pest control treatment plans. We're here to help with pest, rodent, termite, and mosquito control services. Exceptions may apply for termite crawl inspections and bed bugs.